EBSB aims to celebrate the Unity in Diversity of our Nation and promote the spirit of Nation integration through interaction between people of diverse cultures living in different States and UT’s of India. As per the Programme, each year, every State/UT would be paired with another state/UT in India for reciprocal interaction between people. The contestants from each paired Institution will be quizzed on respective pairing state & winners will be taken on tour to their respective pairing state as reward. The Committee will be involving in the above mentioned process for its smooth conduction.
1. Dr. Chethan A. S., Nodal Officer
2. Dr. Usha B. A., Deputy Nodal Officer
3. Dr. Sunanda Dixit, Coordinator
4. Dr. Madhu Palati, Coordinator
5. Prof. Mallikarjun Gowda, Coordinator
6. Dr. Deepa Reddy, Coordinator