Grievance Redressal Cell


To be a single point contact for receiving the grievance, processing them and suggesting suitable remedies.

Policy Guidelines
  1. A Grievance of any student/ staff to be reported in writing to the committee.
  2. A committee is formed by the Principal and will conduct a hearing.
  3. Based on the report submitted by the committee, action is taken by the committee.

  1. The term of the committee is for two years and shall continue until reconstituted.
  2. Meeting will be conducted as the need arises
  3. Quorum for hearing shall be one of the members of the constituted committee.

Roles and Responsibilities
  1. Chairman will head the grievance redressel cell.
  2. The final decision and action taken will be decided by the Chairman
  3. Coordinator will coordinate the meeting related to hearing of grievances and will do the necessary reporting to the Chairman.

Procedural Steps

  1. The committee list is displayed on the notice board.
  2. Any grievance received by the coordinator will be intimated to the chairman.
  3. Necessary coordination for conduction of the hearing.
  4. Reporting of the findings of the hearing to the administration.
  5. Suitable action to be taken by the administration.