Our Faculty

BMSIT&M is known for global leadership in education, and the BMSIT&M faculty is a combination of young and experienced, passionate and curious individuals. They are the most distinguished scholars, who constantly do research in their respective fields.

  1. User Image
    Dr. Anupama H S
    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    Associate Professor and Head
    View Profile
  2. User Image
    Dr. Bharathi Malakreddy A
    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    View Profile
  3. User Image
    Dr. Vishwa Kiran S
    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    Professor and Head
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  4. User Image
    Dr. Santhi Natarajan
    BTech,MS, Ph.D
    Honarary Faculty
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  5. User Image
    Dr.Pradeep K R
    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    Assistant Professor
    View Profile
  6. User Image
    Dr. Rajesh IS
    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    Assistant Professor
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  7. User Image
    Dr. Archana Bhat
    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    Assistant Professor
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  8. User Image
    Dr. Niranjanamurthy M
    BCA,MCA,M.Tech, Ph.D
    Assistant Professor
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  9. User Image
    Dr. Kantharaju V
    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    Assistant Professor
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  10. User Image
    Dr. Shanmugasundaram. M
    B.Sc,MCA, Ph.D
    Assistant Professor
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  11. User Image
    Prof. Yatheesh N G
    B.E, M.Tech,
    Assistant Professor
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  12. User Image
    Prof. Pradeep Kumar G M
    B.E, M.Tech,
    Assistant Professor
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  13. User Image
    Prof. Sanjay M Belgaonkar
    B.E, M.Tech, M.S,
    Assistant Professor
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  14. User Image
    Prof. Sachin A U
    B.E, M.Tech,
    Assistant Professor
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  15. User Image
    Prof. Shobhit Tembhre
    B.E, M.Tech,
    Assistant Professor
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  16. User Image
    Prof. Chidananda K
    B.E, M.Tech,
    Assistant Professor
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  17. User Image
    Amitha S K
    B.E, M.Tech,
    Assistant Professor
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