Qualification : BSc, MCA, M.Phil(CS),MTech(CSE),PGDIPR-NLSIU , Ph.D
Teaching Experience : 22 Years
Research Experience : 10 Years
Industry Experience : 1 Years
Specialization : Wireless Mobile Ad - Hoc Networks
Journal Name | Journal Type | Volume Number | Issue Number | ISSN ISBN | Paper Title |
International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research (IJIFR) | international journal, , ISSN (Online):2347-1697 with Impact Factor 4.164 and IC Value 6.62. | Volume-2, 21st Edition | Issue-9 | ISSN (Online):2347-1697 | Social Network Analysis and its Applications - A Review from Business perspective |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) | international Journal, (IJERA), Impact factor,1.69, IC value,5.09. | VOL 5 | Issue 8, 2015,pp.16-18. | ISSN:2248-9622 | Applications of Bipartite Graph in diverse fields including cloud computing |
International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR) Journal of Computer Engineering, USA, | international journal, impact factor= 1.645 | ISSUE 4 | ISSN: 2250-3021 | Simulation study of Markov chain models with an application in Cognitintive Radio Networks | |
International Journal of Computer Applications | international journal , impact factor = 0.791 | VOL 64 | ISSUE 8 | (0975-“8887) | MPEG-21 Integrated Cross Layer QoS Adaptation Architecture for Multimedia Applications in Future MANETs to Support Heterogeneous Network Environment |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications | international journal | VOL 3 | ISSUE 6 | pp.1398-1403 12/2013; 3(6):ISSN : 2248-9622. | Applications of Delaunay Triangulation (DT), Steiner Trees, Spanning Trees and DT-Minimum Spanning Trees in MANET Multicasting |
IJERT | international | VOL 2 | ISSUE 11 | e-ISSN: 2278-0181 | Performance Analysis of DSR, AODV and DYMO Protocols, Quality of Service in MANETs |
IJMER | international | VOL 3 | ISSUE 3 | 2249-6645 | Performance analysis of AODV Protocol in MANET using Taguchi Method |
IJMER | International | VOL3 | ISSUE 6 | ISSN : 2277-7881 | Knowledge Management using Softoons |
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics in Computer System | international journal | Volume -2, | Issue-1 | ISSN (Online): 2347-2820 | Building Optimal Decision Trees for Classification using Taguchi Method |
International Engineering & Technology (IETECH) Journal of Communicatication | international | VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 | 10654-5420 | Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Issues, Research Trends and Experiments |
Journal of Intelligent System Research | international | VOL 2 | ISSUE 1 | 10654-5420 | A Survey of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols |
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security | international Journal, indexing in ProQuest,Thomoson Reuters. | VOL8 | ISSUE 6 | 1738-7906 | Performance Comparison of Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Routing Proto |
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security | international Journal, indexing in ProQuest,Thomoson Reuters. | VOL7 | NO5 | 1738-7906 | High performance Modified DSR with Power Consumption Optimization for MANETs |
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security | international Journal, indexing in ProQuest,Thomoson Reuters. | VOL5 | ISSUE01 | 1738-7906 | RTSP Audio and Video Streaming for QoS in Wireless Mobile Devices |
Journal of Intelligent System Research | international | VOL2 | ISSUE 1 | 10654-5420 | Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
Journal of Analysis and Computing | international | VOL4 | ISSUE2 | 10654-5420 | Cross Layer Design in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Journal of Analysis and Computing | international Journal | VOL4 | ISSUE 2 | 10654-5420 | Cross Layer Design for QoS Multicasting and Real Time Streaming in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
International Journal of Computer Applications | international Journal | 01 | 04 | 0975 8887 | K-Nodes Multicasting Minimum Cost Spanning Trees In Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
IETECH Journal of Information Systems | international | 2 | 4 | 10654-5420 | Cross Layer Design for Quality of Service Multicasting in MANETs |
International Journal of Computer Applications | international | 3 | 12 | 1024-68 | Restoring the Connectivity in K-Connected MANET When All Edge Disjoint Minimum Spanning Trees Fail |
Journal of System Management | international | 9 | 3 | Cross-Layer Design for Quality of Service Multicasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | |
International Journal of Computer Applications | international journal , impact factor nearly 0.8 | 44 | 16 | (0975 - 8887) | Issues of cyber laws and IPR in software Industry and software process model |
International Engineering and Technology Journal of Advanced Computation | international | 1 | 1 | A Novel Morphological Binarization Technique for Text Extraction from Images | |
IUP Journal of System Management | international | 9 | 3 | NIL | Cross layer design for quality of service multi casting in mobile ad-hoc networks |
IOSR-JCE | International journal | Volume 17 . | Issue 4, Ver. II | e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727 | Spectrum Scheduling using Markov Chain Model in Cognitive Radio Networks |
international journal of Applied Engineering research,, Research India Publications | international journal of Applied Engineering research,SCOPUS indexed journal impact factor= not yet available | Vol.10.No.86(2015),Page. No.76-81. | special issue 2015, Vol.10.No.86(2015) | ISSN 0973-4562, | “Analysis of Mono-alphabetic Cipher against Di-alphabetic Cipher based on Time Complexities” |
International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science | International Journal with Impact Factor 0.534 | Volume 3 | Issue 3, Page No. 14-18. | ISSN: 2322-0899 | Relevance of Education Ideals concepts in BHAGAVAD-GITA and NBA Graduate |
International Journal in Management & Social sciences | International Journal with Impact Factor 0.534 | Volume 3 | Issue 3(II), Page No. 93-98. | ISSN: 2322 – 0899 | A look at Quality of higher education in India and Significance of Out Come Based Education Model for best quality |
International Journal Of Computer Applications | International Journals | a special issue of 2nd NCRIT-2016,BMSIT&M | A Literature Survey on Spectrum Management in Software Defined Radioby Using Game Theory Concepts | ||
International Journal Of Computer Applications for July 2016 issue, Impact factor, nearly = 0.8 | International Journals | A special issue of 2nd NCRIT-2016,BMSIT&M | Information Extraction from Clinical Text using NLP and Machine Learning: Issues and Opportunities accepted for publication in | ||
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER) | International | 6 | 4 | 2277-7881 | Identification of Curriculum Gap and Innovative Value Added Courses for POs Attainment Improvement in OBE Model |
IOSR-JEN | International | 7 | 9 | 2250-3021 | Modeling of Cognitive Radio for Vehicular Ad-hoc Sensor Network using Graph Theory Concepts |
International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, | Special Issue | special issue, Page no.333-341, October 2018, ISSN: 23484705. | Review on count-based and neural network based language models” | ||
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research , IJMER, Jan. 2019 | international | 1 | 2 | 2277-7881 | Defining Course Outcomes, designing OBE question paper and scrutinizing to align question paper with targeted Cos, |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research , IJMER, December. 2018 | 7 | 12 (1), page no 188-196 | ISSN: 2277-7881,Impact factor: 4.527, pages:112-124. | How to enable and motivate slow and fast learners for fostering the attainment of Programme outcomes in Outcome Based Education | |
IJCSNS | WoS indexed international | 21 | 8 | Journal ISSN : 1738-7906. | A Novel Approach to Predict the Longevity in Alzheimer’s Patients Based on Rate of Cognitive Deterioration using Fuzzy Logic Based Feature Extraction Algorithm |
IJCSNS | WoS indexed international | 21 | 5 | Journal ISSN : 1738-7906. | Security Threat Identification and Prevention among Secondary Users in Cognitive Radio Networks |
IJCSNS | WoS indexed international | 21 | 4 | Journal ISSN : 1738-7906. | “ The Block-chain-Based Decentralized Approaches for Cloud Computing to offer enhanced Quality of Service in terms of Privacy Preservation and Security: A review” |
IJCSE | Scopus indexed international | 12 | 1 | e-ISSN : 0976-5166 p-ISSN : 2231-3850 | A Framework for Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict the Decision to Choose Palliative Care in Advanced Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease, |
SAGE-Journal of Education | Scopus indexed international | 21 | 1 | (ISSN 0022-0574). | Value-Added Courses with industry endorsement for Bridging Curriculum Gap in the Outcome-Based Learning: An Effective Strategy to Post-graduate Studies, SAGE-Journal of Education, Scopus index, |
Conference Name | Venue | Date | Paper Title |